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Sunday 21 February 2016

Breaking news potential new signing for N1 Wrestling

The net is abuzz with the rumour one of the stars of BWF or PIP is shortly to be joining N1 Wrestling on a trial basis.

Whilst information is unreliable at best we give you our run down on the top 50+ potential cross over competitors we could see make the switch

First up we have BWF staple Adam Awesome, it is thought he is unlikely to abandon his beloved BWF at this time

Aiden Young is a new comer to BWF and critics say he is probably not up to the pace of N1 at this time but maybe a future contenter

AJ Foster has both the skill and charisma to succeed but given his current feud with Awesome we give him a low chance

Bart Austin is enjoying an unexpected run in BWF having won the recent number one contenders match, and with Magnum and the BWF World title on the line we doubt his focus will be split

Bill Frost, another new comer likely deemed to early to carry the banner of BWF or PIP on tour

Bryan Anderson when asked his thoughts smashed our camera and threw our camera man out on the street, we take this as a no

One half of the BWF tag champs, Carlos indicated he is hear to stay

Casey Wells is on a low point following his recent defeats

Dallas White, we are convinced has the capability

Similarly Earl James does but is too committed to BWF at this time

Eddie Sears although new to BWF definitely has the skills to branch out to N1 

Frank Storm another potential if unlikely in our books 

When we spoke to Hero his answer made so little sense we can only assume he doesn't know who N1 are and is therefore very doubtful to be the one in question

Bolek the butcher is more likely to switch to the extreme violence found in PiP if he was to leave BWF at all

The impressive Jeff Shang, does his talking in the ring, and we have to say the folks at N1 would have heard him loud and clear had they been at last weeks show, however he may be too tac-tern given the press commitments, dangerous looks don't often translate to well to the printed word.
Still there is time yet to see if more than a merciless killer exists 

All round former Olympian and current BWF TV champion Jimmy Gibson told us he is happy here and the time is not right for him to make the switch, his focus is fully on his next challenger Scott Rivers.

Jose Tolos the other half of the BWF Tag champs

Kevin Lash, the beast the monster, to be honest we think he is happy being one of the big fish in the BWF pond, and we know he is looking for payback on Magnum the current BWF champion.

Lance Peters, another recent signing to BWF who we understand is unlikely to be granted release at this time to compete in N1

Lex Stone, had this to say:
"N1, yeah I've heard of them, have they come calling... well no but that means nothing, I'm Lex Stone baby everyone wants me on their team"

Magnum the current BWF World Heavyweight champion, whilst we think he is unlikely to be the rumoured wrestler trying with N1 what a coup if he was!

BWF staple Nate Adams has already ruled himself out

Scott Rivers the current number one contender for the BWF TV title,
"Would I take N1 by storm, damn right I would. As soon as I beat this no body Gibson and claim the TV title that should have been mine I would happily take on all comers"

One of the most recognisable names to those who follow BWF and its predecessors over the years, Wilson seems a likely candidate for N1, and perhaps too likely? we shall see.

Travis Corino, "Hey man I'd love to have a pop at this N1, do they have a cruiser-weight division?"

Vincent Shade, who can tell what he is thinking? our request for an interview was rejected. 

Yusef Dunn... well lets just say the big man is not on our top ten likely candidates.

Switching to the PIP roster now

The Tag team number one contenders Azrael and Archangel indicated they are not planning to split up any time soon nor relinquish their shot at gold 

Rumble Champion, The Rockstar Billy Blake had this to say:
"N1 ? sure man that would be killa, I'd love to add some marketability to them too, given the lack of competition here at PiP they would have to make it worth my while though, you feel me?"

Brian Stubbs simply headbutted a wall in response to our questions... we take that as a no from the hardcore maniac

One half of the current Tag champions here in PiP, Curtis Winters indicated he was unlikely to join N1 at this time. 

Furious Dave Cooper, "I love it here in PiP, we get to put on wild bloody matches, I know where I stand every time I get in the ring, N1 well that would be something new, and new ain't always a good thing"

New signing from UFC Doug Sabin, "N1 yeah man I would love the chance to give more beat downs there too, Sabin has enough to share the wealth around, bring it" 

Drew Daniels, a relatively inexperienced performer may need to cut his cloth here for awhile before moving around

Dusty Adams, the fan favourite told us in no uncertain terms he would not be making the switch at this time. 

George Simmons, "N1 yeah I've heard of them, they ain't got nothing I ain't seen before"

Goliath, "you want to ask me about N1? why not about Mack and my championship? you think Goliath scared to run?" "err no, no we do not"

One potential cross over is Hank "I ain't" Walken "for no one".
He has experience in multiple federations over the years and whilst new to PiP there is nothing in his contract we understand to prevent him also working some N1 dates.

The Headhunter, to be honest we couldn't even find him and we're kind of happy about that 

Homer Simpson.... well we think it unlikely

The Demon Justin Rose another cruiser-weight with potential

Kid Cash, if he wasn't one of the current Tag team champions we would consider him as a likely candidate

The mouth Larry Flynn.
Still smarting from his defeat in the Rumble title match we expect him to stick to Blake until he finds away to grab the gold.

Lars Abbott, terms of his parole we understand preclude him from competing outside of PiP at this time.

Mack Price, the current PiP World champion, would be a great fit in N1 in our opinion but that may be one direction to many for the champ to be pulled.

Magik, an enigma, we guess he would be an enigma in N1 too, certainly has the talent

The masked Patriot, "N1? are they part of the conspiracy too? it makes sense they wouldn't want us to hold the belts otherwise it would cost too much.. ha well jokes on them I cut my price for no one! and if they interfere in our matches again they'll regret it!"

The Masked Stranger, just nodded and left along with the patriot above.

Pat Taylor, got to be a possibility although not a front runner in our eyes 

Spike Flynn, another potential runner if more back of the pack

Steve West, young guy new to the main roster here at PiP 

The Reaper, whilst we got no direct interview we did receive a strange note indicating he was going no ware 

WAR Don Taylor,"What's that jack N1? nah not for me I am all about getting my hands back on the gold, and I'm looking forward to destroying those in my way, right now that includes you..."

Finally we have cruiser-weight Zack Sparks, a current run of bad luck makes it unlikely he would be chosen but who knows in the fickle world of professional e-wrestling

Thank you for taking the time to read this far, we hope this has been of interest and for those of you taking an interest we would be delighted if you answered our current Poll to see who of the above is most likely to join N1 Wrestling ?

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