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Thursday 18 February 2016

Wednesday night Legends of Wrestling week 1

Welcome to LOW on Wednesday night

We have some classic match ups coming your way
and we do mean classics!

Both single title holders find themselves in the opening match up tonight although the belts are not on the line here today

Warrior gets the win over Hogan, reminiscent of their historic battles of yesteryear

Warrior finally gets the pin on Hogan whilst Macho and the Hitman are locking up outside the ring.

big Jim Neidhart gets the win over Slaughter

The Giant fights off a gutsy performance by Bulldog but the ending was never in doubt following a big splash and the bulldogs ribs will need an x-ray following this match

Rick Rude gets the win over Pillman, putting him to sleep with the Rude awakening 

DDP hits the Diamond cutter on Lex for the win 

A non-title tag match here saw the number one contenders Demolition pick up the win
a prelude to the next title match perhaps? 

Our final match this evening saw the big man Ahmed Johnson get the win over the Russian Nikita Koloff

Well the crowd here tonight seem to have enjoyed a trip down memory lane and we hope you will stick with us as we bring back your heroes in their prime for more action each week on Legends of Wrestling

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