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Monday 15 February 2016

The Wrestling industry and explaining away WWE and the use of dead and retired legends!

Setting the seen for my custom WWE 2k16 universe and explaining its make up

The Wrestling world was shocked by the sudden retirement of Vince McMahon after sudden health problems left him unable to run WWE.

This came at a crux point as WWE had just purchased their main domestic competitors TNA, ROH, GFW, Lucha in a secret set of lightning deals.

Shortly thereafter the Federal government launched a tax probe and with the WWE in crisis the federal government imposed a hold on all of their trademarks until resolution of their case as they chase hundreds of millions in back tax and fines.

This sudden loss of brand power left the Wrestling industry bereft and new companies launched into the sudden vacuum of power found within the industry.

BWF The British Wrestling Foundation

With America the home of global pro-wrestling in turmoil a mysterious backer helped launch BWF to new global heights.

PIP Pain is Pleasure Wrestling

Alongside BWF another British company benefiting from a new backer PIP looks to rekindle the success companies such as ECW had in the 1990’s.

PIP & BWF often host joint PPV’s whilst hosting separate weekly TV shows.

We are yet to see if this alliance of convenience will end up with a further merger of the two British companies.

Predominantly comprised of local talent we are yet to see if they will attract more mainstream names from the US.

USW United States Wrestling

Attempting to save wrestling in the US USW emerged as a venture between Stone Cold, Shawn Michaels, JBL, Booker T and Brock Lesner.

The 5 Wise men don’t always pull in the same way, and with 4 of them returning to active roles in the ring the USW has the drawing power of old and new talent to sell out shows as they become an established brand.

EWF Express Wrestling Federation

The EWF were the second American company to emerge from the wasteland of the court ruling against WWE.

With CM Punk coming back from UFC and Daniel Bryan coming back out of retirement the roster has potential to rival any competitors.

William Regal provides some solid management as an in ring GM.

EWF and USW have currently chosen to go a similar route as in the UK with both shows sharing a PPV to maximise viewers and to allow for interesting cross overs with their talented pool of wrestlers.

FAW Free Agent Wrestling

Another new comer sponsored by the Government through a grant in order to deal with the mass unemployment caused by their actions against the WWE was FAW.

This is designed to be a temporary measure whilst the industry recovers however it has potential to be a long term player with both up and comers and those on their way back from the top having a place to showcase their wares as they look for a contract with one of the big new shows.

Some of the main names of WWE find themselves here due to either a desire not to jump ship, pending legal involvement themselves in the WWE case or lack of friendly invites from those in power in the new industry.

HHH the former WWE COO finds himself in limbo and has recently returned to action as the GM of FAW on licence from the courts pending his assistance in their investigations.

The Rock and John Cena both likely to support WWE offered their support too in the hope of a favourable outlook by the court.

Other established names also find themselves here too.

Over time it is expected the established names will move back up the industry ladder and those looking to win contracts will come to use FAW in much the way NXT was being used by the WWE prior to their demise.

The star power will certainly provide some needed prestige amongst the fans in the short term.
All profits go to Charity after the Government takes payment towards its Grant.

LOW Legends of Wrestling

Our final new comer is a strange beast. Merging the mediums of history, dream match ups and technology they have somehow made it possible to show seemingly live matches between some of histories best wrestlers including the retired and deceased.

Those who attend the shows state it feels like a real live show and despite the odd screens and lack of direct interaction with the audience it is impossible to tell technology is behind it.
In the words of one fan “the blood still looks real man”.

Early success was tempered when the courts ordered them to stop using HHH in their shows following their agreement for him to head up the newly created FAW.

As such they have had to vacate the newly crowned World title holder and this has combined with the need to cut their roster due to the cost of the licencing rights and technology in use when the 5 wise men left to form USW in real life instead.

Despite the fans being told they are effectively watching a high quality computer game the attendance is on the up as people flock to see their childhood favourites compete in dream matches every week.

TV Networks scrabbling to fill sudden prime slots left vacant jumped at the chance to showcase these new companies and they find themselves on the up.

Currently all 5 companies have agreed to a roster of 35 wrestlers per show maximum in order to limit any one becoming a new WWE and dominating the industry.

We expect to see far more interweaving stories between these competitors than ever seen before in professional wrestling.

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